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Patch «Work & Travel Zaporizhzhia» in PVC PSDinfo®

SKU: 00150
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Patch «Work & Travel» Zaporizhzhia PSDinfo®

«It is a natural right to free oneself from oppression and to work to reclaim what has been unjustly and overwhelmingly taken»

Independence and Khortytsia should be viewed from the first Sich, the Khortytsia union of 1918, the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Zaporozhian Cossacks in 1990, and today's battles with the empire, which have become a true fight for the freedom and future of our country. Work & Travel Zaporizhzhia is dedicated to the Zaporizhzhia «company,» a patch of glory and courage of modern Cossacks!

Patch «Work & Travel Zaporizhzhia» in PVC PSDinfo®

SKU: 00150
Regular price ₴400.00
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Patch «Work & Travel» Zaporizhzhia PSDinfo®

«It is a natural right to free oneself from oppression and to work to reclaim what has been unjustly and overwhelmingly taken»

Independence and Khortytsia should be viewed from the first Sich, the Khortytsia union of 1918, the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Zaporozhian Cossacks in 1990, and today's battles with the empire, which have become a true fight for the freedom and future of our country. Work & Travel Zaporizhzhia is dedicated to the Zaporizhzhia «company,» a patch of glory and courage of modern Cossacks!