Community news
Нові навчальні відео вже на YouTube PSDinfo!
Вже на каналі новий цикл навчальних відео з вогневої підготовки STS. Стрільба зі слабкого плеча, техніка напрацювання. Уміння стріляти з обох вкладок, тобто з лівого і правого плеча (або з...
Про важливість розвитку вміння стріляти з слабкого плеча.
Уміння стріляти з обох вкладок, тобто з лівого і правого плеча (або з лівої та правої руки), є важливою навичкою для будь-якого стрільця, особливо в тактичних або бойових ситуаціях. 1....
Відпочинок та похід у гори: Користь для ветеранів бойових дій
Військова служба та бойовий досвід залишає свій відбиток на фізичному та психологічному стані ветеранів. Після повернення до цивільного життя багато з нас стикаються з численними викликами, включаючи посттравматичний стресовий розлад...
New educational video series on Firearms Training!
For PSDinfo Academy subscribers on Patreon and Discord, a new educational video series on firearms training is now available. This firearms training enables mastering 80% of all small arms in...
Firearms training and gatherings with future Officers!
Last week, we held meetings with cadets from the military academy, future officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and members of the PSDinfo community. The main topic of the...
Latest updates on educational materials this week!
Latest updates on educational materials this week on Patreon and Discord PSDinfo Global Academy Introduction to Firearms Training - Part 1 (Article) Briefing Before the Start of a Firearms Session...
Mutual assistance and knowledge sharing: the key to developing the next generation of officers.
Last week, I had the honor of meeting with cadets from the Kyiv Military Institute, which I mentioned earlier. As a result of the meeting, I decided to organize and...
New videos on YouTube PSDinfo Company!
Recently, new videos on firearms training have been released on the PSDinfo YouTube channel, specifically videos on shooting positions from standing and kneeling positions: New video on the channel! And...
How to Calm a Child During an Air Raid Alert and Panic
Topic: Psychology Air raids and shelling are extremely stressful events for anyone, especially for children. Their perception of safety is disrupted, which can lead to panic and anxiety. Here are...
Firearms training sessions together with the fighters of the legendary 3rd Assault Brigade!
During the week, a group of PSDinfo instructors conducted firearms training sessions with fighters and commanders from one of the battalions of the 3rd Assault Brigade. The purpose of the...
Development and testing by the PSDinfo team!
The PSDinfo team, in collaboration with the Ballistics brand, has developed a new soft protection element for the knee joint in the form of a ballistic package providing 1st class...
PSDinfo - 5 years!
PSDinfo - 5 years!On December 18, 2018, the community was founded and the PSDinfo Telegram channel was created. Since its inception, the community has become a symbol of professionalism and...